Sunday, March 28, 2010

Canadian and Iranian education methods

Iranian education methods are different with Canadian education. Iran primary school lessons are easy, but after that in high school and university is very difficult. For example, the level of Mathematics which is taught in Iran high school is higher than other countries. Also, it is not possible for all students to entrance to university. the students have to pass a difficult entrance exam for continuing their education. in some cases, they cannot pass this exam for years and they unwillingly go to other Jobs. In addition, in high school studying as a group is not very familiar among the student and instructors. they study more individually.

However, in Canada education system is different. High school lessons are not very difficult which the student cannot deal with that. Also, to entrance to university depends on your request and your desire. Fore example, if a person who gave up his school for years can start again. Moreover, Canada education encourage students to study and research as a group which is important as a useful method. In one word, Canadian education is more successful than Iranian education.

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