Monday, April 12, 2010

Oldest Dog in Canada


Do you know that the oldest dog in Canada is Bogy who is 20 years old. His owner is Jerry Jacobson who said more details about Bogy. He said Bogy eats French fries and ice cream and he does lots of exercises, and he mention that this is the reason of his living long. Also, he said that Bogy doesn’t treat any more but when he opens the car door he gets in and opens car’s window.

students cheating!

How Common Is Cheating ?

I read an article about students cheating that I like to share with you.Some American universities believe that two-threes of students do cheating in different ways. They declare that at MIT, seventy-three students in the same class share their assignments. Also, they mention in other countries students may act harshly; in India teachers may endanger if they prevent of students` cheating, because they may have knife whit themselves. They say students published book to guide and teach how can cheat well with new methods. “Cheating 101” is the book was published by a final Rutgers` student in the same subject. These all show that they improve themselves in cheating.

Our Brain

Scientists believe that brain can change the world by changing itself, it is more than a machine and it made by different parts. They say brain changes with everything we think or experience. Neuroplasticity defines brain as a flexible plastic and smarter enough to analyze any information that we deliver to the brain. Also Neuroplasticity Psychology explains that brain can change when we learn new things. TMS is a way to understand how brain activity relates to our behaviour. Also they believe that it is a way to modify the brain, by using specific parameters can increase or decrease the activity of some parts of the brain.

I interested in how our thoughts can be happen in our real life. Also, scientists figured out that doing an activity and imaging of doing the activity will give the same result. Let me to explain it with an example. When a pianist uses his/her fingers to play piano, some parts of his brain that related to the fingers work more than other parts. As a result, in a long time, the specific parts in the brain will be larger than before. This result is same for people that don’t play piano and they just imagine it!

Animal species communicate each other in deferent ways. For example, ants communicate with chemicals excreted from their bodies. They send messages through these chemicals. However, to excrete chemicals is not working under water. The animals that live in water have different language. Wales communicate with low sounds that quickly pass through the water. In addition, other group of animal likes apes are able to learn some simple of our language. May be they cannot pronounce the words, but with training they would be improved. In one word, as human being the animals need to be communicating with each other.

Marketing Techniques

I read an article about marketing and business techniques. Author believes that customers will be affected by store design, lights and colors. Also, businessmen spend much money to renew, remodeling and make a nice design for their stores and through this way they encourage customers to buy more and make more profit. ”The International Mass Retail Association” observed that more than half store plans are based on having the new design and hiring the store design consultants. Deferent stores have deferent and special designs. For example, the wide aisles and fluorescent lights make the customers pay higher prices. Another strategy that the store designers try to get customers to walk to the back of the store then they will not back from the same aisle, through this design the customers will see all the goods. In one word, design the stores effectively can make a browser to a buyer. That is interesting, we should be aware if we go to mall and don’t decide shopping, these techniques doesn’t affects us !

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Canadian and Iranian education methods

Iranian education methods are different with Canadian education. Iran primary school lessons are easy, but after that in high school and university is very difficult. For example, the level of Mathematics which is taught in Iran high school is higher than other countries. Also, it is not possible for all students to entrance to university. the students have to pass a difficult entrance exam for continuing their education. in some cases, they cannot pass this exam for years and they unwillingly go to other Jobs. In addition, in high school studying as a group is not very familiar among the student and instructors. they study more individually.

However, in Canada education system is different. High school lessons are not very difficult which the student cannot deal with that. Also, to entrance to university depends on your request and your desire. Fore example, if a person who gave up his school for years can start again. Moreover, Canada education encourage students to study and research as a group which is important as a useful method. In one word, Canadian education is more successful than Iranian education.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Future Trends

Trends and fads are growing very fast. They influence on all people life. In the next years they would be more different and stranger. As technology is growing fast, it would affect on future trends and fads as well. For example, designing clothes by small colored lights can be a small and simple of future cloths trend. On the other hands companies would have more competitive edge for getting the market and be more successful. They would use all abilities for using new technology on producing new trends. Also they will try to invest more on trends instead of fads. These are just for making more profit. Of course, on future people should be wise for choosing their goods and services but trends would affect people more than these days.
“A predication about future trends"